2023 Utah State Legislative Session Updates

2023 Utah Legislative Session Bills to watch:

Bill Short Title General Provisions Highlighted Provisions
HB0021 Open and Public Meetings Act Amendments This bill modifies the Open and Public Meetings Act relating to public comment requirements and electronic meetings. Requires a public body holding an open meeting to allow a reasonable opportunity for the public to provide verbal comment at the meeting, with certain exceptions;requires a public body to adopt a resolution, rule, or ordinance allowing public comment in a public meeting; permits a public body of a local district or special service district to convene and conduct an electronic meeting in certain circumstances; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB0093 Outdoor Recreation Modifications This bill amends provisions related to outdoor recreation grant programs. Increases the amount that may be used each fiscal year for the Recreation Restoration Infrastructure Grant Program; amends the types of entities that are eligible to receive an infrastructure grant through the Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB0188 Golf Related Water Modifications This bill addresses the water use by golf courses or driving ranges. Defines terms; requires a study of water use by golf courses or driving ranges; addresses whether water data is public information; creates a grant program, including the creation of a related committee; and provides for the publication of information on websites.
HB0196 Eminent Domain Revisions This bill modifies the public uses for which the right of eminent domain may be exercised. Removes the creation of a public park as a public use for which the right of eminent domain may be exercised; and makes technical changes.
HB0224 Outdoor Recreation Initiative This bill addresses coordinated investment in outdoor recreation infrastructure. Defines terms; creates the Recreation Coordinated Investment Initiative; grants rulemaking authority; requires reporting; and addresses funding of the initiative.
HB0231 Low Income Housing Property Tax Exemption This bill amends the definitions related to property tax exemptions in the Property Tax Act. Provides the circumstances under which a private owner of property used as permanent supportive housing qualifies as a “nonprofit entity” for purposes of the exclusive use property tax exemption.
HB0272 Water Efficient Landscaping Amendments This bill addresses incentives to use water efficient landscaping. Defines terms; modifies an incentive program to use water efficient landscaping including modifying eligibility requirements, requiring implementation of regional-based water use efficiency standards, and imposing requirements related to the Great Salt Lake basin; provides for grants to water conservancy districts; provides for rulemaking; addresses scope of section; and makes technical changes.
HB0274 Adopt-the-outdoors Program Amendments This bill creates an Adopt-the-Outdoors Program. Creates an Adopt-the-Outdoors Program;permits a person to sponsor a recreational outdoor location;grants the department rulemaking authority to administer the Adopt-the-Outdoors Program; and requires the department to appoint a manager to administer the Adopt-the-Outdoors Program.
HB0286 Great Salt Lake Funding Modifications This bill provides for sales and use tax revenue to be used to manage the water levels at the Great Salt Lake. Changes the recipient of the revenue generated from a 1/16% sales and use tax (the earmarked revenue) from the Water Infrastructure Restricted Account to the Great Salt Lake Account for five years; requires legislative review before the recipient of the earmarked revenue reverts to the Water Infrastructure Restricted Account; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB0299 Boating Amendments  This bill addresses boating, including financing water infrastructure related to boating. Diverts a portion of the uniform fee on certain vessels to fund boating related grants; creates the Utah Boating Grant Account; provides for the administration of a grant program by the Office of Outdoor Recreation related to the Utah Boating Grant Account; addresses boating safety requirements; and makes technical changes.
HB0307 Utah Water Ways This bill provides for the creation of a new nonprofit, statewide partnership addressing water. Defines terms; directs oversight of the creation of a partnership and the state’s role in that partnership; outlines powers and duties of the partnership; addresses the selection of an executive director and board of directors; requires reporting; and addresses role of water supply entities.
HB0319 Uintah Basin Air Quality Research Project Amendments This bill repeals the sunset date for the Uintah Basin Air Quality Research Project. Repeals the sunset date for the Uintah Basin Air Quality Research Project; and makes technical changes.
HB0327 Pollinator Pilot Program Amendments This bill addresses a sunset date. Extends the sunset date for the Pollinator Pilot Program.
HB0340 Trailer Registration Requirements This bill exempts from the vehicle registration requirement certain single-axle trailers.  Amends a provision related to trailers that are exempt from vehicle registration requirements to include a single-axle trailer unless the single-axle trailer is: a commercial vehicle; a trailer designed, used, and maintained for hire; a travel trailer, camping trailer, or fifth wheel trailer with an unladen weight more than 750 pounds; and makes technical changes.
HB0349 Water Reuse Projects Amendments This bill addresses water reuse projects. Defines terms; addresses approval of water reuse projects, including providing that the director of the Division of Water Quality approves; prohibits approval of certain water reuse projects impacting the Great Salt Lake; authorizes rulemaking; creates exceptions; addresses water replacement plans; provides for investigation of water reuse impacts as part of the integrated assessment of the Great Salt Lake; and makes technical changes.
HB0384 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Amendments This bill amends the Outdoor Adventure Infrastructure Restricted Account and the makeup of the Outdoor Adventure Commission. Amends the makeup of the Outdoor Adventure Commission; amends provisions relating to the Outdoor Adventure Infrastructure Restricted Account; and appropriates funds.
HB0450 Landscaping Requirements This bill modifies provisions regarding water wise landscaping. Defines terms; and authorizes certain landscaping requirements.
HB0488 Utah Lake Authority Amendments This bill modifies provisions governing the Utah Lake Authority Board. Changes membership requirements for the Utah Lake Authority Board.
HB0491 Amendments Related to the Great Salt Lake This bill addresses issues related to the Great Salt Lake. Enacts the Great Salt Lake Commissioner Act, including: defining terms; providing for the appointment of the commissioner; addressing duties and authorizations of the commissioner; addressing relationships with other state agencies; addressing the strategic plan; creating the Office of the Great Salt Lake Commissioner; addressing the Great Salt Lake Advisory Council; and addressing the Great Salt Lake Account; provides for protected records; provides that the Department of Natural Resources will provide facilities to the commissioner and office; addresses the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands; modifies provisions related to ongoing administration of water trust provisions; addresses the compensation of the commissioner; expands the Board of Water Resources to include an individual who represents the interests of the Great Salt Lake; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB0499 Homeless Services Amendments This bill modifies provisions related to the oversight and provision of services for individuals experiencing homelessness. Defines terms; modifies the formula used by the Office of Homeless Services (office) to disburse funds from the Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Restricted Account (account) to municipalities to mitigate the impacts of homeless shelters; prohibits a municipality from receiving funds from the account if the municipality does not enforce an ordinance that prohibits camping, except in certain circumstances; modifies the annual local contribution amount that certain local governments are required to provide from the local government’s collected sales tax revenue for deposit into the account; provides for the State Tax Commission to subtract a certain amount from a local government’s annual local contribution to the account based on the availability of homeless shelter beds within the local government’s boundaries; requires certain counties to convene a county overflow task force for the purpose of preparing a county overflow plan; describes the membership of a county overflow task force; expands the county overflow plan requirements to counties of the second class; modifies the process and requirements for a county overflow plan and the consequences of noncompliance during the overflow period; requires the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a code blue alert for certain weather events that may pose a danger to individuals experiencing homelessness; provides for certain requirements and limitations to take effect within a county that is impacted by a code blue alert; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB0513 Great Salt Lake Amendments This bill addresses management of the Great Salt Lake and related activities. Modifies provisions related to severance taxes; clarifies minerals with royalties going to the Great Salt Lake Account; addresses mineral leases or royalty agreements related to the Great Salt Lake; provides for royalties for certain elements and minerals; defines terms; codifies legislative findings; modifies the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands’ management responsibilities for the Great Salt Lake, including addressing rulemaking; establishes emergency management responsibilities and powers; addresses force majeure; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB0005 Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Base Budget This bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023 and appropriates funds for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024. Provides appropriations for the use and support of certain state agencies; and provides appropriations for other purposes as described.
SB0010 Wildlife Sunset Related Amendments This bill modifies provisions related to a board, committee, or council created under Title 23, Wildlife Resources Code of Utah. Makes consistent the number of names the nominating committee submits to the governor; removes incorrect references to boards; clarifies orientation training language related to regional advisory councils; extends sunset dates; and makes technical changes.
SB0034 Water Infrastructure Funding Study This bill addresses the use of property tax revenue for water. Directs the Department of Natural Resources (department) to: study the use of property tax revenue to fund water infrastructure, treatment, and delivery; and make recommendations for future funding; and requires the department to submit a written report to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee and the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee.
SB0053 Groundwater Use Amendments This bill addresses water uses related to groundwater. Corrects punctuation related to storage as a beneficial use; modifies provisions related to recharge of an aquifer; and makes technical changes.
SB0076 Water Amendments This bill addresses coordination of planning related to water. Provides for a study; addresses grants for environmental improvement projects; requires certain municipal and county planning commissions to consult with the Division of Water Resources in development of general plans; addresses consultation with the Department of Agriculture and Food; requires notification of irrigation and canal companies in certain circumstances; requires counties to notify certain public water systems and request feedback on how elements of the general plan affect certain water planning; requires counties to consider planning for regionalization of public water systems; provides for action by the director of the Division of Drinking Water to establish regional source and storage minimum sizing standards or adjust system-specific sizing standards; provides what may be included in a water conservation plan; modifies requirements related to the Division of Water Resources making rules for regional water conservation goals; requires the Division of Water Resources to consult with watershed councils under certain circumstances; changes the membership of the Water Development Coordinating Council; directs the Water Development Coordinating Council to take actions related to the coordination of growth and conservation planning; and makes technical changes.
SB0118 Water Efficient Landscaping Incentives This bill addresses incentives to install and maintain water efficient landscaping. Defines terms; authorizes water conservancy districts to receive grants to provide incentives; provides conditions on when an owner may receive an incentive; addresses rulemaking authority; provides for certain liens upon removal of water efficient landscaping or conditions on incentives; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB0119 Per Capita Consumptive Use This bill addresses reporting of per capita consumptive use of water. Defines terms; provides that per capita consumptive use is the standard in certain geographic areas; requires reporting districts to calculate per capita consumptive use; describes how per capita consumptive use is to be calculated; requires reporting to the Division of Water Rights; addresses scope of section regarding the calculation, publication, or dissemination of consumptive water use numbers; and clarifies that specific agencies shall comply with the per capita consumptive use provision.
SB0144 Water Instream Flow Amendments This bill modifies provisions related to instream flow. Allows for certain change applications related to delivery of water to reservoirs; and makes technical changes.
SB0185 Transportation Amendments This bill amends provisions related to active transportation, local option sales taxes, the Department of Transportation, and other transportation items. Creates the Active Transportation Investment Fund within the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 to be used to develop active transportation infrastructure; extends the expiration of the ability for certain political subdivisions to impose a local option sales tax for certain transportation purposes; amends provisions related to the responsibilities of the executive director and deputy directors of the Department of Transportation; amends provisions related to the account for the road usage charge; requires a report from the Department of Transportation to the Transportation Commission regarding the status of certain transportation construction projects; makes various technical amendments to clarify duties of the Department of Transportation related to public transit capital development; requires the Department of Transportation to create an account within the State Infrastructure Bank for loans for certain types of development; and makes technical changes.
SB0187 State Fair Park Amendments This bill modifies provisions relating to the state fair park. Provides for the dissolution of the Utah State Fair Corporation; creates the State Fair Park Authority as a successor entity to the Utah State Fair Corporation, with similar but modified duties; authorizes the Authority to impose special event sales tax; requires the State Tax Commission to distribute to the authority certain sales tax revenue generated from a hotel on fair park land; makes property on state fair park land subject to the privilege tax and provides for revenue from the tax and from personal property tax to be paid to the Authority; modifies provisions relating to the operation, maintenance, construction, and modification of buildings and facilities on state fair park land; authorizes the Authority to issue bonds and enacts provisions relating to the bonds; and makes technical changes.
SB0277 Water Conservation and Augmentation Amendments This bill addresses the optimal use of water in the state. Modifies the purposes for which money in the Water Infrastructure Restricted Account may be used; codifies a grant program for agricultural water optimization, including: defining terms; creating the Agricultural Water Optimization Committee; providing powers and duties of the committee which includes rulemaking; directing the process by which grants are to be issued; and providing a sunset date; provides for public information and reporting regarding the grant program; addresses agricultural water optimization change applications and water savings; repeals provisions related to the Agricultural Water Optimization Task Force; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SCR006 Concurrent Resolution Regarding the Great Salt Lake Elevation Targets This resolution addresses the Great Salt Lake.  Describes the current status of the Great Salt Lake; addresses the impacts of the Great Salt Lake on the state’s economy; discusses the impacts of low lake levels; and recommends the adoption of a goal to devise and implement policies, incentives, and funding sources to return the Great Salt Lake to optimal levels. 
HB0538 Water Usage Amendments This bill establishes penalties for watering lawn or turf during a restricted period. Defines terms; and addresses civil citations for watering lawn or turf during a restricted period.

Utah State Legislature