2025 Legislative Session

BillVersionShort TitleGeneral ProvisionsHighlighted Provisions
HB00181Petroleum Storage Tank AmendmentsThis bill addresses the regulation of petroleum storage tanks.This bill: modifies definitions; changes terms “underground” and “petroleum” as appropriate; provides that the Petroleum Storage Tank Restricted Account earns interest to be deposited into that account; addresses registration of underground storage tanks and aboveground petroleum storage tanks; addresses the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund, including authorization to request certain legislative appropriations; modifies assessment of an environmental assurance fee based on the cash balance of the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund; modifies the petroleum storage tank fee provisions; provides for certificates of compliance; clarifies restrictions on petroleum storage tank installation companies; directs certain monies be deposited into the Petroleum Storage Tank Cleanup Fund; addresses claims not covered by the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund; clarifies language regarding liability; addresses eligibility for participation in the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund; and makes technical and conforming amendments.
HB00250Retirement AmendmentsThis bill modifies provisions of the Utah State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act.This bill: modifies record retention requirements for a participating employer in the Utah Retirement Systems; amends provisions relating to an entity eligible to withdraw from participation in the Utah Retirement Systems; and repeals a section that allows PEHP Health and Benefits to implement a prescribing policy for certain opioid prescriptions.
HB00360Provo Canyon Resource Management Plan AmendmentsThis bill addresses the Provo Canyon resource management plan.This bill: extends the sunset date for the section related to the Provo Canyon resource management plan.
HB00371Utah Housing AmendmentsThis bill deals with housing development and housing policy.This bill: defines terms; modifies the minimum population for incorporation of a new town; authorizes a municipality or county to authorize additional housing density in exchange for certain requirements; authorizes a municipality or county to offer incentives in an area approved for single-family or multi-family residential units to promote owner-occupied, affordable housing; modifies requirements for a moderate income housing plan and a moderate income housing report; authorizes a special district to provide the operation of a propane system within its boundaries; authorizes the Division of Housing and Community Development to make rules regarding the content and form of a moderate income housing report; requires the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (GOPB) to develop a state housing plan by December 31, 2025; requires GOPB to submit an annual written report on the implementation of the state housing plan to the Political Subdivisions Interim Committee; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB00411State Water Policy AmendmentsThis bill amends the state water policy.This bill: addresses water quality in groundwater; references saved water; encourages monitoring of watersheds in consultation with watershed councils; promotes state water planning; accounts for regionally appropriate water reuse; and makes technical changes.
HB00451Irrigation AmendmentsThis bill addresses duties of owners or operators of ditches and canals.This bill: defines terms; addresses failure by an owner or operator of a ditch or canal to exercise reasonable and ordinary care; provides under certain circumstances for a person to recover money paid to a third party for damage or injury if caused by the failure of an owner or operator to exercise reasonable and ordinary care; and makes technical changes.
HB00460Water Rights Applications AmendmentsThis bill addresses applications before the state engineer.This bill: addresses time frames related to reinstatement of a lapsed application; and makes technical changes.
HB00470Public Lands Watering Rights AmendmentsThis bill addresses livestock watering rights on public lands.This bill: modifies the definition provision; repeals language regarding livestock water use certificates; addresses when a federal land management agency reduces livestock grazing animal unit month (AUMs); addresses a claim under Public Water Reserve No. 107; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB00483Wildland Urban Interface ModificationsThis bill addresses efforts to oversee wildfire risks associated with wildland urban interface property.This bill: defines terms; requires counties to take certain actions related to wildland urban interface property, including assessing a fee; directs the fee to be retained by a county and deposited into the Wildland-urban Interface Prevention, Preparedness, and Mitigation Fund; addresses insuring wildland urban interface property; imposes notice requirements related to insuring wildland urban interface property; requires counties and municipalities to adopt the wildland urban interface building code standards; permits the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands (division) to choose not to cover costs of local governments under certain circumstances; directs the division to establish a program for wildland urban interface coordinators to evaluate, using a triage scale, high risk wildland urban interface property; addresses actions related to evaluating the high risk wildland urban interface property; provides for a database to be accessed by certain insurers related to evaluating high risk wildland urban interface property; authorizes rulemaking; addresses liability; and makes technical changes.
HB00534Litter Cleanup AmendmentsThis bill addresses unsecured loads, litter, and landfills.This bill: establishes the Litter Abatement Expendable Special Revenue Fund; directs certain fees to the Litter Abatement Expendable Special Revenue Fund; modifies penalties for certain offenses; requires reporting for certain entities; imposes a landfill fine for an unsecured load; and defines terms.
HB00591Fireworks ModificationsThis bill amends provisions related to fireworks.This bill: replaces incorrect terms related to fireworks; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB00632Criminal Justice and Mental Health Coordination AmendmentsThis bill addresses situations where an individual experiencing a mental health crisis may interact with the criminal justice system.This bill: requires local mental health authorities to designate an individual or individuals responsible for providing consultation, education, and information services concerning certain options for individuals experiencing mental health crises; requires the Division of Integrated Healthcare to create and maintain an optional training program relating to civil commitment for stakeholders who may be involved in the civil commitment process; requires the Behavioral Health Crisis Response Committee to create a working group relating to the interaction of criminal justice systems and mental health systems, and describes the working group’s duties; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB00871Drug Trafficking AmendmentsThis bill addresses the trafficking of certain controlled substances.This bill: creates a criminal offense of trafficking of fentanyl or a fentanyl-related substance; and makes conforming and technical changes.
HB00880Housing Policy AmendmentsThis bill modifies provisions relating to moderate income housing reports and municipal zoning.This bill: defines terms; amends the required frequency of a moderate income housing progress report; provides that an accessory dwelling unit, internal or external, on a lot containing a detached single family dwelling is a permitted use in a residential zone of an urban municipality; provides that an urban municipality may not prohibit the use of a modular unit in a residential zone; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB00901Zoning AmendmentsThis bill modifies zoning authority in an urban municipality.This bill: defines the term “urban municipality”; provides that a detached single family dwelling that is built on a lot of at least 6,000 square feet is a permitted use in a residential zone of an urban municipality; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB01110Workers’ Compensation AmendmentsThis bill modifies provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act related to home and community based services.This bill: clarifies the circumstances under which an individual with a disability is the employer of an individual providing home and community based services; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB01182Homelessness RevisionsThis bill modifies provisions related to the annual local contribution formula that local governments provide to the Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Restricted Account.This bill: modifies the annual local contribution formula that local governments provide to the Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Restricted Account; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB01470Aquatic Invasive Species AmendmentsThis bill addresses requirements to operate or launch a vessel.This bill: defines terms; exempts an owner or operator of certain vessels from requirements related to invasive species and launching or operating the vessel on waters of the state; and makes technical changes.
HB01490Single Family Homes Ownership AmendmentsThis bill restricts an institutional investor’s ability to purchase single family homes in this state.This bill: defines terms; prohibits an institutional investor from purchasing a single family home in this state; and provides that an institutional investor that does purchase a single family home in this state must alienate that home within one year of purchasing the home.
HB01660Trailer Registration and Uniform Fee AmendmentsThis bill allows the owner of certain types of trailers to obtain a lifetime registration and pay a one-time uniform fee in lieu of ad valorem tax.This bill: allows an owner of certain types of trailers to register a trailer for the life of the trailer and pay a one-time uniform fee in lieu of ad valorem tax or a uniform statewide fee; and makes technical changes.
HB01740Water Rights Restricted AccountThis bill modifies provisions creating the Water Rights Restricted Account.This bill: addresses money for obtaining legal support; and makes technical changes.
HB01760County Classification AmendmentsThis bill modifies the population requirements for county classification.This bill: modifies definitions; modifies the population requirements for county classification; modifies a sales and use tax exemption applicable to airports in certain counties; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB01992Substance Use Treatment and Enforcement AmendmentsThis bill addresses treatment and enforcement issues related to substance use.This bill: defines terms; requires a local substance abuse authority to include in the authority’s annual plan a list of available substance use service providers, in a form and format usable by first responders; requires a local mental health authority to include in the authority’s annual plan a list of available mental health service providers, in a form and format usable by first responders; allows and encourages first responders to offer a referral to substance use or mental health services to an individual who experiences an intentional or accidental overdose; addresses requirements for syringe exchange programs and information collected relating to syringe exchange programs; allows an opioid treatment program to operate a mobile unit to provide medication to treat substance use withdrawal symptoms or an opioid use disorder, and provides certain requirements for operation of a mobile unit; grants rulemaking authority to the Department of Health and Human Services regarding the requirements for operating a mobile unit to provide medication to treat substance use withdrawal symptoms or an opioid use disorder; amends criminal provisions of the Utah Controlled Substances Act; creates the crime of maintenance of a drug-involved premises; amends provisions regarding civil nuisance actions, including provisions that relate to a nuisance caused by unlawful actions related to a controlled substance; repeals intent language; adds a coordination clause between this bill and H.B. 355, Critical Infrastructure Materials Amendments, to provide that changes made to Section 76B-6-1101 in H.B. 355 are incorporated into changes this bill makes to that section; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB02000Outdoor Recreation AmendmentsThis bill addresses the Division of Outdoor Recreation.This bill: modifies the lands that the governor may keep open and operational during a fiscal emergency; changes the reporting subcommittee for the Division of Outdoor Recreation report on recreation restoration infrastructure grants; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB02230State Grant RequirementsThis bill modifies provisions related to state grants.This bill: upon a grantee’s request, requires an administering agency to disclose the administering agency’s costs associated with administering a grant.
HB02430Agricultural Water Optimization AmendmentsThis bill addresses agricultural water optimization. This bill: allows the Agricultural Water Optimization Committee to use certain money to fund research; modifies eligibility requirements related to grants for agricultural water optimization; and makes technical and conforming amendments.
HB02510Pollinator Program AmendmentsThis bill makes changes to the pollinator pilot program.This bill: renames the pollinator pilot program to the pollinator habitat program; repeals the scheduled sunset date for the pollinator pilot program; makes the pollinator habitat program permanent; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB02521State Custody AmendmentsThis bill amends provisions related to individuals in state custody.This bill: defines terms; enacts provisions related to treatments government entities may provide to individuals in state custody; amends housing provisions related to youth juvenile detention and secure care facilities; amends criminal laws related to improper relationships with individuals in state custody; and makes technical changes.
HB02531Agriculture and Food AmendmentsThis bill addresses issues related to the regulation, oversight, or encouragement of agriculture and food.This bill: modifies the definition of “qualified veterinarian”; changes references to the National Council on Weights and Measures; changes the Utah Fertilizer Act to the Utah Plant Food Act, including modifying definitions and making conforming references; repeals the Utah Agriculture Certificate of Environmental Stewardship Program; changes the time frames for annual fees under the Agricultural and Wildlife Damage Prevention Act; addresses the expiration of livestock brands; modifies information to be provided to operate a livestock market; amends the Domesticated Elk Act to address licensing, record retention, health information, and marking of domesticated elk; clarifies that money in the LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch Fund Program is nonlapsing; changes the Agriculture Conservation Easement Account to an expendable special revenue fund; addresses use of money in the Agriculture Resource Development Fund to pay administrative costs; addresses regulation of livestock by political subdivisions; modifies the earmarking of sales and use taxes related to the Division of Conservation within the Department of Agriculture and Food; addresses grants under the agricultural water optimization program; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB02660Veteran Housing AmendmentsThis bill addresses veteran homelessness.This bill: requires the Utah Homeless Services Board and the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs to work in conjunction to create best practices for assisting veterans experiencing homelessness; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB02743Water AmendmentsThis bill addresses regulations related to water.This bill: provides circumstances of when a municipality may set different water rates based in part on water conservation; addresses special district fees; defines terms; addresses rate setting by a retail water supplier and public water systems; provides for how revenues from retail rates may be spent; creates a presumption regarding the reasonableness of certain water rates that include water conservation as an element in determining the rate; modifies provisions related to the Board of Water Resources; addresses tiered rates for secondary water; and< makes technical and conforming changes.
HB02851Water Infrastructure ModificationsThis bill addresses funding and planning for water infrastructure. This bill: repeals the Water Resources Cities Water Loan Fund and provides that loan repayments go into the Water Infrastructure Fund; authorizes transfers of money in water funds and accounts to and from the Water Infrastructure Fund; requires capital asset management plans and reserve funding under certain circumstances; modifies definitions, including the definition of “relevant agency”; addresses the water infrastructure prioritization process, including exemptions from the process; repeals outdated language; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB02860Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund AmendmentsThis bill modifies provisions related to the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund within the Department of Workforce Services.This bill: requires the Division of Finance to annually transfer a certain amount of state liquor sale revenues from the Liquor Control Fund to the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund (fund); requires the executive director of the Department of Workforce Services to distribute the transferred portion of the fund for certain purposes; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB02900Bicycle Lane Safety AmendmentsThis bill addresses safety elements in a bicycle lane.This bill: defines terms; clarifies when motor vehicles may be in a bicycle lane; and restricts obstructing a bicycle lane.
HB03111Watershed AmendmentsThis bill addresses the augmentation of water resources in Utah watersheds.This bill: defines terms; allows the Utah water agent to include facilities and land in the state water agent’s negotiations for water augmentation projects; allows the Board of Water Resources to enter into contracts for water augmentation projects negotiated by the Utah water agent; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB03124Criminal Justice AmendmentsThis bill modifies statutory provisions related to criminal justice.This bill: modifies provisions related to the release of individuals due to overcrowding of correctional facilities; requires a county sheriff who permits probation to establish probations standards and procedures adopted by the Utah Sheriffs’ Association; prohibits the use of state funds for a syringe exchange program; prohibits the Department of Corrections from housing inmates in a private correctional facility, unless the purpose is federal immigration detention or civil detention; adds “detention removal officer” to the definition of federal officers who have statewide law enforcement authority; modifies contractual term requirements for the state court administrator in relation to providing security; modifies provisions related to the definition and calculation of the state daily incarceration rate; modifies permitted uses for funds in the Adult Probation and Parole Employment Incentive Program; adds strangulation or choking as a criminal offense included with the crime of commission of domestic violence in the presence of a child; requires that the Department of Corrections may only contract with a county facility to house state inmates in a county correctional facility; modifies the definition of habitual offender and makes conforming changes; requires a county sheriff to report statistics on releases due to overcrowding and pretrial release; modifies provisions related to a county sheriff’s release of individuals on their own recognizance; prohibits a county jail official from fixing a financial condition for an individual with a misdemeanor charge for certain domestic violence and driving under the influence offenses; modifies provisions related to a magistrate’s orders for pretrial release or detention; repeals the Subcommittee on County Correctional Facility Contracting and Reimbursement; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB03180Residential Turf AmendmentsThis bill addresses use of lawn or turf related to residential lots.This bill: defines terms; requires a municipality or county to adopt lawn or turf restrictions for certain newly constructed residences; allows a municipality or county to adopt more restrictive limitations; and makes technical and conforming amendments.
HB03280Water Usage AmendmentsThis bill addresses the use of overhead spray irrigation under specified circumstances.This bill: defines terms; directs a municipality or county to require compliance with a prohibition on use of overhead spray irrigation as part of land use approvals; requires a municipality or county to give notice of the prohibition on use of overhead spray irrigation; encourages a municipality or county to review certain plans, act on the plans, inspect for compliance, and address noncompliance; and< prohibits for new development and redevelopment the use of overhead spray irrigation except under certain circumstances.
HB03291Homeless Services AmendmentsThis bill amends and enacts provisions related to homelessness.This bill: defines terms; creates the Shelter Counties Advisory Board to make recommendations to the Utah Homeless Board (board) regarding homeless services; provides for use of the Know-by-Name pilot program; requires the board to collect and report on certain data; provides that funds from the Pamela Atkinson Homeless Account may be used for certain transportation costs to connect the individual with a support network outside of the state; modifies the process by which the board approves funding requests from the Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Restricted Account; states that certain drug offenses are subject to enhanced penalties when committed in a state licensed homeless shelter; amends certain provisions of the winter response task force; enacts provisions requiring service providers to design certain services to assist homeless individuals in progressing and transitioning from struggling with homelessness to personal thriving; enacts provisions requiring certain safety requirements for homeless shelters, including winter response shelters; provides for penalties if a service provider that receives state or federal funds fails to comply with certain safety requirements; provides certain exceptions under the COVID-19 grant program for licensed residential vocational and life skills programs; provides a sunset date for the Know-by-Name pilot program; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB03300Water Sprinkler Efficiency RequirementsThis bill addresses activities related to spray sprinkler bodies.This bill: defines terms; prohibits certain activities related to spray sprinkler bodies; provides exceptions; and creates an enforcement process.
HB03620Homeless Rights AmendmentsThis bill describes the rights of homeless individuals.This bill: describes a homeless individual’s rights, including the right to: receive equal treatment by the state and a political subdivision of the state in the same manner as any other individual; register to vote and to vote in elections; and the protection of personal information; provides that a homeless individual has a right of action against a person who violates the homeless individual’s rights; and provides a statute of limitations for a homeless individual to bring a right of action against a person who violates the homeless individual’s rights.
HB03641Governmental Immunity AmendmentsThis bill amends the Governmental Immunity Act of Utah (act).This bill: defines terms; provides that, under the act, an independent contractor of a municipality is entitled to the same immunity as an employee of a municipality if the independent contractor: is a law firm or attorney hired by the municipality; and performs legal work related to a governmental function on behalf of the municipality; clarifies that an independent contract described above is not entitled to any employment-related benefits; and makes technical changes.
HB03860Public Waters Access Act AmendmentsThis bill addresses access to public waters.This bill: modifies the definition of “navigable water”; addresses public recreation access; addresses when a stream bed is considered private property; clarifies when an easement for public recreational access is created; and makes technical changes.
HB04121Boards and Commissions RevisionsThis bill amends provisions related to membership on a board or commission.This bill: eliminates requirements providing that no more than a certain number of members of certain boards, commissions, committees, and councils may be affiliated with or a member of the same political party; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB04911Behavioral Health ModificationsThis bill amends provisions relating to behavioral health.This bill: defines terms; requires a behavioral health receiving center to comply with licensing requirements from the Department of Health and Human Services; grants the Department of Health and Human Services authority to enact rules and assess and collect fees in relation to the licensing of behavioral health receiving centers; addresses Medicaid directed payments for the Utah State Hospital and the Huntsman Mental Health Institute; requires the Department of Public Safety to: survey all law enforcement agencies in the state and publish a publicly searchable registry that will allow the public to see whether each law enforcement agency is or is not available to receive a voluntarily committed firearm in accordance with safe harbor provisions; and subject to available funding, create and implement a marketing plan to educate law enforcement agencies and the public about safe harbor options for firearms; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB04990Department of Environmental Quality AmendmentsThis bill addresses the Department of Environmental Quality.This bill: modifies rulemaking processes for policy boards within the Department of Environmental Quality; modifies the qualifications of Air Quality Board members; provides a transition for the Air Quality Board; modifies powers of the Air Quality Board related to asbestos; and makes technical and conforming changes.
HB05070Legislative Water Development Commission AmendmentsThis bill addresses membership requirements on the Legislative Water Development Commission.This bill: establishes a minimum number for commission membership; and removes the partisanship requirements for members on the Legislative Water Development Commission.
HB05200Water Entity AmendmentsThis bill addresses various water entities including their relationship with the Department of Natural Resources. This bill: addresses the powers and duties of the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands in relation to Utah Lake; requires the Utah Lake Authority (lake authority) to coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources (department); requires the board of the lake authority to report regarding the coordination; modifies provisions governing the water trust for the Great Salt Lake, including expanding the duties of the Great Salt Lake Trust Council; addresses the legislative auditor general’s authority to audit the water trust; requires the state water agent to coordinate with the department; removes certain water agencies from a definition of an independent entity; moves the Great Salt Lake commissioner and the Office of the Great Salt Lake Commissioner to be within the department; requires the approval of the Great Salt Lake Trust Council of certain expenditures; and makes technical and conforming amendments.
HCR0020Concurrent Resolution Directing PEHP Regarding Pharmaceutical RebatesThis resolution directs the Public Employees’ Benefit and Insurance Program to give the estimated value of pharmaceutical rebates to state plan members at the point of sale.This resolution: directs the Public Employees’ Benefit and Insurance Program to give the estimated value of pharmaceutical rebates to state plan members at the point of sale.
HCR0060Concurrent Resolution Urging Changes to Federal Homelessness RegulationsThis resolution urges federal government housing and homelessness agencies to implement reforms to housing assistant programs.This resolution: urges the Department of Housing and Urban Development to implement reforms to certain federal housing assistant programs; recognizes that: state and local governments seek to fund and implement programs that are more effective than the current alternatives to reduce the number of people living on the street and include approaches and strategies that are more responsive to local priorities and circumstances; the Homeless Management Information System is costly, burdensome, and fails to meet the information and data needs of state and local governments; and block grant funding provides the state with needed discretion on how to use federal funding for direct services to the state’s homeless population; calls on the federal government to reform certain agency rules and federal laws to provide state and local governments greater latitude in administering homelessness; and provides for copies of the resolution to be distributed among certain federal agencies and other individuals.
SB00050Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Base BudgetThis bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 and appropriates funds for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2026.This bill: provides appropriations for the use and support of certain state agencies; provides appropriations for other purposes as described; provides intent language.
SB00070Social Services Base BudgetThis bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 and appropriates funds for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2026.This bill: provides appropriations for the use and support of certain state agencies; provides appropriations for other purposes as described; and provides intent language.
SB00200Utah Retirement Systems AmendmentsThis bill modifies the contribution provisions of the New Public Employees’ Tier II Contributory Retirement Act.This bill: authorizes a participating employer to elect to pay member contributions that exceed the contribution cap for employees that are members of the Public Employees’ Tier II Hybrid Retirement System; and requires a participating employer to make an additional nonelective contribution to an employee that is a member of the Public Employees’ Tier II Defined Contribution Plan, if the participating employer elects to pay the required member contribution as an employer pick up for employees that are members of the Public Employees’ Tier II Hybrid Retirement System.
SB00210Long-Term Disability AmendmentsThis bill modifies provisions related to public employee long-term disability benefits.This bill: modifies the definition of objective medical impairment for purposes of the Public Employees’ Long-Term Disability Act; amends provisions related to the application for and determination of long-term disability benefits; clarifies which employees are eligible for a disability benefit for a total disability due to a mental objective medical impairment through June 30, 2026; modifies the exclusions for monthly disability benefits; directs the Public Employees’ Long-Term Disability program to administer the existing basic long-term benefit for volunteer emergency medical services personnel; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB00261Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone AmendmentsThis bill modifies provisions regarding the Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Act.This bill: modifies definitions; amends the median gross income for a certain percentage of proposed dwelling units within the housing and transit reinvestment zone to the county median gross income for households of the same size; clarifies that the collection of a tax increment for a housing and transit reinvestment zone project may be triggered no more than three times per project; modifies provisions related to transit reinvestment zones within certain transit stations or hubs; modifies the requirement that a proposal for a transit reinvestment zone includes a mix of dwelling units with at least 25% of the dwelling units having more than one bedroom; amends the date by which a tax increment collection notice is sent to certain entities to no later than December 31 of the year before the year tax increment is to take place; requires the base year to be updated in certain circumstances regarding existing community reinvestment projects; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB00330Water Rights Recording AmendmentsThis bill addresses water rights addenda.This bill: allows certain signatures to be by facsimile or electronic means; and makes technical changes.
SB00361Water Quality Board AmendmentsThis bill addresses the Utah Water Quality Board.This bill: establishes a process for members of the Utah Water Quality Board to conduct a mediated settlement conference between the director and a party in alleged violation of the Utah Water Quality Act; and authorizes members of the Utah Water Quality Board to recommend a reasonable penalty amount to the director.
SB00510State Resource Management Plan AmendmentsThis bill addresses the state resource management plan.This bill: adopts a state resource management plan to replace a previously adopted plan.
SB00781Homeless Individuals Protection AmendmentsThis bill creates the homeless service provider ombudsman within the Office of Homeless Services.This bill: defines terms; creates the homeless services provider ombudsman (ombudsman) within the Office of Homeless Services (office); describes the duties and functions of the ombudsman; authorizes the office to make rules to implement and carry out the ombudsman’s duties and functions; and provides for a sunset review after five years.
SB00921Golf Course AmendmentsThis bill addresses water use by and management of golf courses.This bill: makes a record of water data regarding golf courses prepared for and provided to the Janet Quinney Lawson Institute for Land, Water and Air at Utah State University pursuant to statute a protected record under the Government Records Access and Management Act; defines terms; requires a study of water use by golf courses; outlines a process to be followed in conducting and reporting on the study; requires the Division of State Parks to develop a master plan for state-owned golf courses and to report on the master plan; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB00970Emergency Shelter AmendmentsThis bill amends provisions related to an emergency operations plan.This bill: defines terms; requires that a county, city, or town emergency operations plan shall designate at least one shelter to accommodate an individual’s personal animal; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB01030Fireworks RevisionsThis bill makes changes related to the sale of fireworks.This bill: prohibits the sale of fireworks in restricted discharge areas under certain circumstances.
SB01080Water Safety AmendmentsThis bill enacts provisions related to water safety.This bill: defines terms; creates a restricted account; creates a drowning prevention and water safety grant program for providing swimming lessons to low income children; and creates a reporting requirement.
SB01151Substance Use Disorder RevisionsThis bill addresses substance use disorder screening in state correctional facilities and county jails.This bill: defines terms; requires state correctional facilities and county jails to: screen inmates for substance use disorders; report data related to the screenings; and use the screenings to assist with treatment and programming decisions for inmates; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB01213Property Loss AmendmentsThis bill creates the Property Loss Related to Homelessness Compensation Fund.This bill: defines terms; creates the Property Loss Related to Homelessness Compensation Enterprise Fund (fund); describes allowable uses of the fund; provides that money in the fund is nonlapsing; creates the Property Loss Related to Homelessness Advisory Committee (committee); describes the duties of the committee; and provides for a sunset review on July 1, 2028.
SB01311Water Commitment AmendmentsThis bill addresses water commitments by water providers.This bill: permits a commitment of available water to uses on the Great Salt Lake to be included in a water conservation plan; and makes technical changes.
SB01571Nonjudicial Adjustment AmendmentsThis bill modifies the provisions of the Indigent Defense Act in relation to nonjudicial adjustments and access to legal counsel.This bill: prohibits a minor from declining to enter into a nonjudicial adjustment agreement unless the minor has received advice from legal counsel, with exceptions; modifies the duties of the Indigent Defense Commission to include encouraging the provision of resources for minors to receive access to legal advice when considering a nonjudicial adjustment; modifies the duties of the Office of Indigent Defense Services to require the office to provide no-cost legal advice for minors considering a nonjudicial adjustment; permits the Office of Indigent Defense Services to employ or contract with an attorney to provide legal advice to minors considering a nonjudicial adjustment; creates procedures for giving notice of requirements before declining a nonjudicial adjustment agreement; and makes clarifying amendments.
SB01661Point of the Mountain State Land Authority AmendmentsThis bill modifies provisions related to the Point of the Mountain State Land Authority.This bill: modifies definitions; clarifies that the authority of a local government under Title 10, Chapter 9a, Municipal Land Use, Development, and Management Act, or Title 17, Chapter 27a, County Land Use, Development, and Management Act, does not apply to the use of point of the mountain state land; describes the method for a county treasurer to distribute privilege tax to the Point of the Mountain State Land Authority (authority); repeals and reenacts provisions related to the authority board and modifies the composition of the authority board; modifies the procedure for the authority to provide notice of a public hearing; requires the county recorder for a county of the first class to record a plat submitted by the authority for point of the mountain state land, if certain requirements are met; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB01740Transit and Transportation Governance AmendmentsThis bill amends provisions related to the governance of public transit districts.This bill: amends and reallocates the roles of the board of trustees, executive director, and local advisory board of a large public transit district; requires all fixed guideway capital development projects of a large public transit district to be under the supervision of the Department of Transportation, regardless of whether the project includes state funding; modifies provisions related to public transit planning; requires a large public transit district to provide a report regarding contracting for reduced fares; amends levels of contracts of a large public transit district that require approval of the board of trustees; and makes technical changes.
SB01811Housing Affordability AmendmentsThis bill enacts and amends provisions related to housing and affordable housing funding.This bill: defines and amends terms; enacts provisions of certain land use regulations with regard to certain types of parking spaces; provides certain exceptions; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB01821Homeless Services ModificationsThis bill enacts certain provisions for individuals experiencing homelessness.This bill: amends and defines terms; requires the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a code red alert for certain weather events that may pose a danger to individuals experiencing homelessness; provides for certain requirements and limitations to take effect within a county that is impacted by a code red alert; and makes technical and conforming changes.
SB01953Transportation AmendmentsThis bill amends provisions related to transportation items, including road rage, wrong way driving, hybrid vehicle registration fees, and adherence to proposed phases of certain transportation developments.This bill: requires cities and metropolitan planning organizations to identify transportation connectivity impediments and provide a report on plans to address transportation connectivity; requires periodic reporting and follow up on certain station area plans; requires property acquired by the Department of Transportation for a public transit purpose remain under the ownership of the Department of Transportation; defines terms and enacts provisions related to electric unicycles and similar devices; enhances certain penalties related to wrong-way driving if the offense is related to a road rage event; designates certain legislative committees as recipients for certain required reports; creates requirements for air ambulance dispatch services; adjusts an sales and use tax earmark percentage to increase funding for transportation; extends a deadline for certain sales and use taxes to be allocated for public transit innovation grants; reinstates certain funding to the Department of Transportation for litter mitigation that was reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic; requires the Department of Transportation to adhere to phasing of projects if required by the environmental impact statement; repeals certain outdated language and makes other technical changes; repeals certain highway-related name designations; provides maintenance responsibilities for certain street light infrastructure; and makes other technical changes.
SB02001Watercraft AmendmentsThis bill makes changes to fees associated with boat registration. This bill: defines terms; amends uniform statewide fees for boats; enacts the Boating Grant Tax; and makes technical changes.
SB02201Construction ModificationsThis bill addresses construction site storm water runoff controls.This bill: defines terms; establishes standards for how the Division of Water Quality: regulates controls for storm water runoff; imposes a fine for violation; and inspects construction sites impacting storm water runoff; establishes exceptions for the Department of Transportation; establishes penalties for non-compliance; and makes technical and conforming changes.

Updated Friday February 21, 2025