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13 River Resolutions for 2013 from River Network

From the River Network, here are 13 great ways that you can give back to the river you love in 2013! Please feel free to share ideas with friends and colleagues, and Happy New Year!

#1: Turn Parking Lots into Paradise

BMP coverThe folks at Depave in Portland, Oregon hold regular work parties where community volunteers can come and help turn unneeded pavement into rain gardens and other community assets.

Encourage your local officials to participate in the Jordan River Commission’s Best Practices for Riverfront Communities planning process, and to adopt ordinances that conserve open space and minimize the impacts development when it occurs along the river.


#2: Get the Junk Out!

photo (2)Rivers are not dumping grounds. But some people think so. Fortunately, many watershed groups organize regular community cleanups. Participate in a cleanup. If none are happening, round up 5 friends, some trash bags, and make a Saturday morning out of it!


To volunteer on the Jordan River contact us!  We have regular weed pulls and river cleanups throughout the year.


#3: Throw a Party on the River

ParksYou may think about rivers often but you’d be surprised how many people forget about them entirely. So if you are hosting a social gathering – a picnic, kids’ play dates, family reunion… propose to do it at a riverside park. Our rivers need more people to know them and to love them. Spread the word.

The new Jordan River Parkway Trail Map includes the location of dozens of picnic areas along the Jordan River.


#4: Know Thy River

Envirothon monitoringBecome a citizen water quality monitor! All over the U.S., hundreds of local watershed groups operate volunteer monitoring programs and anyone is welcome to join!

Check out the Utah Water Watch program to get involved locally. Also, participate in Jordan River public planning processes like the Division of Water Quality’s TMDL process.


#5: Send Your Legislator Down the River

River Network Partners at the Rock River Coalition in Wisconsin have an annual tradition of a float trip especially for elected officials that gives lawmakers a firsthand look at — and greater appreciation for — our most important natural resource!

Encourage your local legislators to visit the Jordan River!


#6: Eat Less Water

spinach-arugula-cranberry-walnut-saladA hamburger has a high water footprint (roughly 1800 gallons per pound of beef), but if the water used to raise the cow is mostly rain water and the water used to grow soy is all irrigated, veggie burgers may not be a better option. Fortunately, there’s a “Water Footprint” website that can help you start to make the right choices!


#7: Put Your Money Where Your Passion Is

final logo smallTalk is cheap. If you love rivers and are not supporting at least one river conservation group, please do so. You can donate to River Network and/or any one of several hundred local partner organizations near you!

Support the Jordan River Commission here!



#8: Turn Out the Lights!

For every gallon of water used in an average household, five times more water (40,000 gallons each month) is used to provide that home with electricity via hydropower turbines and fossil fuel power plants. You can get a conservation Three-fer — healthier rivers, fewer greenhouse emissions and cleaner air — by redoubling your energy conservation efforts!


#9: Treasure Your Trees!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA two-foot diameter big leaf maple prevents nearly 2,000 gallons of stormwater and reduces CO2 by 600 pounds every year! Check out the benefits of your own backyard trees at i-Tree Design and plant more if you can!

Volunteer planting trees along the Jordan River with Tree Utah and Salt Lake County at the Redwood Natural Area.


#10: Spout Off!

rain-barrelDisconnect the downspouts from your gutter and let the rainwater filter naturally into the ground. If drainage is an issue hook them back up to a rain barrel (see photo at left) that will store the water for you to reuse later! A couple of handy resources: “how to install your rain barrel” video and a flyer on painting your barrel.



#11: Check Your Brakes!

When you have to replace your brake pads, request ones without copper. (Copper dust comes out when you stop and flows into nearby streams, raising levels too toxic for fish) More info here.


#12: Meet Us in St. Louis!

Webgraphic20121If rivers are your passion and you’ve never been to River Rally, make this the year! We’ll be in St. Louis May 17-20. You’ll get to hobnob with hundreds of other river lovers, learn about rivers and how to protect them, and enjoy some quality river time via one or more field trips. Registration opens in January!

For a local educational and networking opportunity, plan to attend the seventh annual Salt Lake Countywide Watershed Symposium!


#13: Make Your Own River Resolution!

There are many other ways you can help protect and restore rivers! Make your own resolution and if you want to share it with others, post it on the River Network’s Facebook page!

Also share your resolutions and photos of the Jordan River on the Jordan River Commission’s Facebook page.