Hogle Zoo Conservation Action- Planting and Invasive Species Removal

March 22 at 10:00 am

Hosted by Utah’s Hogle Zoo
Location TBD

Did you know that the cold months are the best time of year to plant trees? Cold weather and lack of leaves allow the trees to send all of their energy into their roots to get established. We plant tall pot trees because they have a root system of 32 inches to get into the ground water. Spring is also when invasive Scotch thistle starts to grow. Removing them at this “rosette” stage prevents them from putting up stocks and spreading their seeds. This event will involve digging deep holes with posthole diggers and planting native trees to improve bank stabilization and create habitat as well as manual removal of thistle rosettes with shovels. Not up for digging? Fear not! You can help with getting trees to the diggers, back filling holes, or spreading native seed.

Location is TBD based on need and will be communicated out the week of the event.

For more information and events visit: https://www.hoglezoo.org/jordan-river-events/