Expanding the Regional Trail Network

 Denver & Rio Grande Western Rail Trail in Davis County

Did you know that when all the Wasatch Front’s planned regional trail systems are completed, there will be over 500 miles of dedicated, multiple-use pathways in the region!  

These trails will connect together communities throughout Utah, Salt Lake, Davis, and Weber Counties and beyond!

The trails that make up this regional trail network include: the Jordan River Parkway, the Legacy Parkway, the Denver & Rio Grande Rail Trail, the Parley’s Trail, the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, the Murdock Canal Trail, the Utah Lake Trail, and the Provo River Parkway.

Click here to find links to information about each trail system.

In addition, several smaller trail connections (like the 9 Line in Salt Lake City) and designated bicycle routes will tie in to these major regional spines further expanding the pedestrian and bicycle network of the region.

Many of these trails are ambitious in scope and will take many years to complete, but over 200 miles of trail are already complete or under construction.   Here are two recent news articles that highlight the latest additions to the Jordan River Parkway and the D&RG Trail:

New Mountain View Corridor roadway in Lehi opens Saturday

3.2-mile portion of Railway Trail ready for use in Roy