The Jordan River faces many challenges as an urban river running through the heart of the Salt Lake Valley, one of which is trash in the river. Some of the litter and debris washes into the river from the many stormwater drains that empty into the river, some is a result of the adjacent trail users neglect, and some is thrown in the river intentionally.
The Jordan River has steep banks and limited access points along the corridor. There is one trash boom that collects garbage before the river reaches the Great Salt Lake, but otherwise we rely on groups of volunteers to remove trash from the river by hauling it into canoes.
The most effective way (and in some cases the ONLY way) to remove the trash from in the river is by using canoes with trash grabbers and strong arms. The Jordan River Commission organizes volunteer Canoe Cleanup events from March through October depending on weather. The JRC brings the canoes, PFDs, and paddles. All we need are volunteers with some paddling experience to help with hauling trash from the river.
At the end of the cleanup section, volunteers haul all of the trash out of the canoes into either garbage bags or a dumpster at the take out and help to load canoes back on to the trailer. After a job well done, everyone will be super stinky and dirty, but we hope folks will have gained a new appreciation of the Jordan River.