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Jane Jacobs Walk along the Jordan River: A Natural History Tour

bmlbeltedkingfisherThe Jordan River Commission has teamed up with Jane Jacobs Walk to host a natural history tour along the Jordan River. Ecologist Ty Harrison will lead an interpretive walk along the river’s riparian zone where he’ll point out the differences between native and invasive plant species, animal abodes and habits, birds and their sounds, and whatever interesting things we find along the way.

chevron mile

Bring a pencil, camera, sketchbook or journal, and join us Sunday May 5th, 2013 at 10:30 a.m.

We’ll meet at the Backman Elementary Parking lot and head to the unpaved west side of the Jordan River Parkway Trail at 700 North (route map at bottom of page).  If time permits, we may continue walking beyond 500 North towards the Fairgrounds.

We would especially like to encourage children and families to participate in order to cultivate ideas about a possible interpretive trail and ways to work nature education into the school curriculum.

Please contact Melanie Franti at mfranti@utah.gov or leave a comment below if you have any questions.

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