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Jordan River Parkway Urban Rangers



urban-ranger-logoThe Jordan River Commission is excited to announce the expansion of the University of Utah Parks, Recreation, & Tourism’s Wasatch Urban Ranger Program to the Jordan River Parkway.

Volunteer student Urban Rangers will patrol the Jordan River Parkway from 200 S (Fisher Mansion) to 3900 S (General Holm Park). Patrols will average four hours at least five days a week. Rangers are trained to report any issues, clean up trash and pull invasive species, provide emergency care, and talk about trail etiquette and environmental education. Spot their bright blue backpacks and ask them your questions!

We’d like to thank our partners on this program: Univeristy of Utah, the National Park Service’s Rivers and Trails Conservation Assistance Program, Tracy Aviary, and the Jordan River Foundation.  It is generously funded by a Challenge Cost Share grant from the National Park Service and the Outdoor Foundation.


Watch a short video about the Urban Ranger program


Results from a patrol along the Jordan River Parkway Trail by Ranger Tess and U of U Film major ranger volunteer Spencer:

  • Dog waste collections: 2
  • Trash collected: estimated 35 lbs
  • Trail maintenance needs identified: 3

Ranger quote:

“My first patrol with a volunteer went great! They were very optimistic and happy to help. It’s nice to see other people not necessarily in the same community as me getting eager about things that I have a passion for!”

urban ranger gaia