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Presenting the Best Practices for Riverfront Communities

river friendly community


This is an exciting time for the Commission. In a little over two years the JRC assembled a team of Jordan River experts, hired the best consultants, and worked tirelessly to create a document that is the first of its kind in Utah (and poised to be a model document for other communities in the West). And we’re pleased to share that in September, 1000 copies of the Best Practices for Riverfront Communities document were delivered to our offices.

In addition, the document was selected for an award from the Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association!

The JRC will present the Best Practices document to the various stakeholders–everyone from elected officials to nonprofit groups to land developers to residents near the Jordan River– will hear from us in the coming months. As part our outreach we’re including supportive materials developed by our partner organizations and Jordan River communities that inform the public about about topics like: Native and invasive species, resource conservation, volunteerism, water quality, and many others.
We look forward to talking to the Jordan River’s stakeholders in 2014!