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Riverfront Communities – Best Practices Training Series



Green Infrastructure: Putting it to Work, the next seminar in our Riverfront Communities – Best Practices Training Series, will give participants the tools to implement green infrastructure – beyond the basics – through on-the-ground case studies and experiences from communities across the Wasatch Front, and globe. Keynote speaker, Hillary Brown who is a fellow of the Post Carbon Institute as well as a professor at City College in New York, will highlight precedents to provide inspiration for what is possible in the world of green infrastructure. Local experts will ground these precedents in experience and provide a format for the pursuance of next steps. Participants will come away with the nuts and bolts of implementing green infrastructure in their communities, addressing various permitting programs (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Permit and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans), constructing alternative stormwater systems, and retrofitting existing stormwater facilities to better address stormwater management and quality.


  • Hillary Brown, Post Carbon Institute  and City College in New York
  • Trace Robinson, Riverton City
  • Paul Taylor, JUB Engineering
  • Cory Pierce, City of Spanish Fork
  • Sarah Hinners, University of Utah, Ecological Planning Center
  • LaNiece Davenport, Wasatch Front Regional Council

Date and Location:

Friday November 18, 2016
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Utah Cultural Celebration Center
1355 W 3100 S
West Valley City, UT 84119

Download the agenda, speaker bios, and registration information here.

8 hours of continuing education credits will be offered by the following organizations. Please contact us if you are interested in seeking continuing education credits from other organizations.

CM Credit