Internship Opportunity



The Jordan River Commission (JRC) seeks a highly motivated individual with a background in environmental education and/or youth and outdoor to develop and administer outreach and activities that connect diverse communities urban natural lands.

The position is an individual placement AmeriCorps Member position through the Utah Conservation UCC) – www.usu/edu/ucc/. The individual must complete 1,700 hours of service; the position requires 40 hours of service work per week and terminates no later than December 31, 2017. The JRC is accepting through November 18, 2016, and will interview candidates and hire for the position in early December 2016. Job duties will begin approximately January 2, 2017.

Job Description

AmeriCorps Member (“AM”) will work with Jordan River Commission staff, community leaders, institutional and citizen partners, and others to grow public engagement in restoring and investing in the Jordan River corridor. AmeriCorps Member will: • Assist in planning, promoting and implementing the community-based Get Into The River event in September 2017. • Manage and implement the JRC’s volunteer program, which engages about 1,000 volunteers each year. • Coordinate the JRC’s citizen science puncturevine weed monitoring efforts. • Lead the expansion, scheduling, and promotion of the JRC’s Jordan River-based elementary education program, including leading student field trips and refining educational kits available for teacher checkout. Additionally, AM may assist the JRC’s partner organizations with implementation of middle and high school educational programs. • Assist in planning and implementing the JRC’s Best Practices for Riverfront Communities Training Series, through which national and local topic experts provide technical training to Jordan River land managers and stakeholders. • Provide grant writing assistance to support outreach and educational programs, where opportunities are present.


  • Living Allowance: $12,530 total (divided into monthly payments)
  • Education Award: $5,775 (For payment of student loans or future educational expenses.)
  • Other: Health insurance, workers comp coverage, childcare for qualified members, eligible for deferment of student loan payments and interest accrual payment during AmeriCorps term, Environmental Educator certification through USU, and excellent job experience and networking opportunities.

Learn More and Apply Here 

